Is LYFT illegally cutting your pay - Drivers Union

Is LYFT illegally cutting your pay?


This Wednesday, drivers took action at LYFT's Seattle offices to inform LYFT rental drivers of hidden deductions made by LYFT that bring driver pay below the state mandated minimum won through the fight of organized drivers. 

During the period in which drivers took action at the LYFT offices, no new rentals were initiated, while several drivers returned their previously engaged rentals due to their low earnings when using LYFT's rental program.

 “LYFT deducted over $7,000 from my pay this year,” Chiuk Monlyuak, a LYFT rental driver and Drivers Union member said. “And that’s on top of hundreds per week I paid for my vehicle rental.”

When drivers rent their work vehicles through a LYFT program, they are being hit with hidden per mile charges that bring their pay below the legal minimum wage, with the company deducting 28% of driver per-mile pay in Seattle and 19% of per-mile pay in the rest of the state. The deductions from pay are on top of the agreed upon and disclosed fees that drivers pay to rent their vehicle. 

LYFT is currently under investigation by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries to determine whether these pay deductions violate Washington’s minimum wage for TNC drivers. Under law, TNC companies are prohibited from deducting from driver pay without the driver's express written authorization. Additionally, any such deductions must be voluntary and knowing, and not for the profit of the company.  But drivers are now discovering cuts to their pay that they weren’t aware of and didn’t consent to. 

Any Washington drivers who have rental a work vehicle through LYFT should reach out to Drivers Union now to enforce your rights.

Washington’s more than 30,000 UBER and LYFT drivers are made up largely of immigrants and people of color. 30% of drivers and their families rely on food stamps in King County and 24% of drivers in the county are living in federal poverty (Parrott & Reich 24). 

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