Lyft Drivers Win Nearly $200,000 In Back Pay! - Drivers Union

Lyft Drivers Win Nearly $200,000 In Back Pay!

When several Lyft drivers complained about their pay coming up short this May, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries initiated an investigation into pay practices at LYFT, finding that the company was slightly underpaying drivers for each mile and minute they drove. Lyft’s internal investigation then discovered that this payment error had impacted more than 15,000 drivers. The company then moved to provide back pay to each impacted driver.

This investigation put money back in the pockets of drivers, with LYFT paying a total of $192,991.30 to those impacted by the error. 

This is what effective enforcement of your labor rights looks like; rights that we wouldn’t have without drivers coming together to build driver power and take our fight to the Statehouse! It is that fight - and the victories drivers achieved - that makes Washington one of the few places in the country to hold UBER and LYFT to account with the minimum fair pay standards that make this type of enforcement action possible.

We salute the Department of Labor and Industries for their tireless work on behalf of drivers and other workers facing labor rights violations. But the fight is never over! Have you experienced violations of your rights on the road? Do you believe you may have received less than the full pay to which you’re entitled? Reach out to Drivers Union and let our team of experienced driver advocates help you enforce your rights.

Drivers Union is the voice for UBER, LYFT, and other TNC drivers in Washington State, facilitating driver organizing, advocating for drivers at the policy and regulatory levels, and operating the Driver Resource Center, which provides outreach and support to the state’s tens of thousands of drivers. To support the work of Drivers Union and help build driver power, please consider becoming a member today.

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  • Kerry Harwin
    published this page in News 2023-07-14 12:30:20 -0700

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