Top 5 Myths about Unemployment for Uber and Lyft Drivers - Drivers Union

Top 5 Myths about Unemployment for Uber and Lyft Drivers


There is a lot of confusion about access to unemployment assistance for Uber and Lyft drivers during the COVID-19 crisis.


So, Drivers Union put together these Top 5 Myths about Uber/Lyft Unemployment to make sure you have accurate information. 

If you’re having trouble with your application, click here to get a free copy of our Unemployment Guide for Uber and Lyft Drivers.

MYTH #1: Uber and Lyft drivers don’t qualify for unemployment
FACT: Washington State Employment Security Department says: “If you are a gig worker who has been laid off or lost work, we encourage you to apply for benefits.” Follow the steps in the Union guide and apply today.

MYTH #2: Uber and Lyft drivers should wait to apply until federal aid is put in place
FACT: Drivers who follow the steps our guide are already starting to receive unemployment benefits in WA State. Once federal aid is fully implemented, that will add additional benefits on top of what you qualify for under regular unemployment.

MYTH #3: My application was rejected, so I am permanently ineligible
FACT: Don’t give up. After applying, most drivers receive an initial computer-generated automated notice that says you are ineligible because you haven’t worked 680 hours. Uber and Lyft don’t report your pay and hours to the state, so you need to provide documentation. Go to STEP 2 of our guide for the documentation you need.

MYTH #4: I’m still driving, so I can’t apply
FACT: If you have lost income due to the COVID-19 crisis, you may be eligible even if you are still driving. Report your income to the state when you file your weekly claims. You can find instructions on filing weekly claims in our guide.

MYTH #5: If you receive unemployment, you need to look for a new job
FACT: Following a proclamation signed by Governor Inslee, job search is now optional to increase access to unemployment benefits for workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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