Drivers Union response to Lyft's sexual assault report - Drivers Union

Drivers Union response to Lyft's sexual assault report

Drivers Union is deeply concerned about the findings released in Lyft’s recent safety report citing over 4,000 sexual assault cases over three years.

One incident of sexual assault is one too many. People who engage in sexual assault or harassment should not be allowed to drive for or ride on Uber, Lyft, or any other ride hail platform.    

To eliminate sexual assault in the for-hire passenger industry, Drivers Union supports rigorous background checks for all drivers. We support also driver training programs focused on sexual harassment and assault prevention.    

Part of Drivers Union’s mission is to represent drivers who are unfairly terminated from Uber, Lyft, or other ride hail apps, and help them keep their jobs. We supported a Seattle ordinance that offers such protections, including its special provisions to protect riders who are victims of sexual assault.  

We favor proactive approaches that protect drivers and riders. As CNBC reports, “Unlike Uber, Lyft did not disclose what share of incidents resulted in drivers being harmed. Uber’s report showed riders accounted for roughly half of the accused in sexual assault reports.”i We encourage drivers to use dashboard cameras in their vehicles to increase accountability and visibility for both the rider and passenger. 

Both transparency and accountability are necessary for Drivers Union’s goal of eliminating sexual assault in the ride hail industry and making ride hail services safe for all.  

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