Seattle Paid Sick Leave: Use It Or Lose It - Drivers Union

Seattle Paid Sick Leave: Use It Or Lose It

Under Seattle law, drivers in the Seattle area are entitled to paid sick time, which drivers earn with every trip you accept. As paid sick time transitions to a statewide program, Seattle drivers must claim all Seattle sick pay or risk losing the cash benefit you’ve earned. 

Following advocacy from Drivers Union, Uber and Lyft have extended the deadline to claim. Drivers must claim on Lyft before March 31, 2023 and claim on Uber before April 30, 2023

For step-by-step instructions on how to access your paid sick time in the Uber and Lyft driver apps, see the videos below, or follow the written instructions beneath the videos. Or, for Uber Paid Sick Time, simply click here to claim!

By organizing together through Drivers Union, drivers in Washington state are the only drivers in the country to win the right to Paid Sick Days. Make sure to claim your Seattle Paid Sick Days before they expire, and join Drivers Union today to continue fighting to win the country’s strongest driver rights!  

To claim paid sick time from Uber, click here, or: 

  1. Open Uber Driver app 
  2. Click the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left corner of your screen 
  3. Click “Help 
  4. Scroll down, then click on “Earnings and payments 
  5. Scroll down, then click “Seattle Paid Sick and Safe Time 
  6. Scroll down, then click the “SUBMIT” button 
  7. If prompted, click to “Open this page in ‘Uber Driver” 
  8. Scroll down, then click “Claim Time 
  9. Enter the number of days you wish to claim and click “claim time” 
  10. $$$$$ 


To claim paid sick leave from Lyft: 

  1. Open Lyft Driver App 
  2. Click the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left corner of your screen 
  3. Scroll down, then click on “Support and Safety 
  4. Click “Get Help” from the drop down menu 
  5. Scroll down and click on “Account and Earnings 
  6. Click “Paid Sick and Safe Time (PSST) 
  7. Scroll down, then click on the “Request PSST” button 
  8. Scroll down, and enter the amount of PSST you can claim 
  9. Click the “Request PSST” button 
  10. Click “Done” 
  11. $$$$$ 

If you log in from outside of King County, Uber may block your in-app access, but you can still claim paid sick days you have earned by clicking this link. 

Remember, paid sick time can only be taken on days you don’t work. If you work on a day when you’ve claimed paid sick time, you may not receive payment for that day. 

If you do not receive paid sick days you have earned, contact Drivers Union to enforce your rights

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  • Dave B.
    commented 2023-08-22 11:41:40 -0700
    But who exactly classifies as a “driver” in Seattle. For the Seattle roof cleaning company I work for at much of my time is spent driving the trucks from job to job, dropping off pressure washers, etc, and so although I’m technically not a driver but a roof cleaner as my job description would I still qualify for driver’s sick leave? Thank you.
  • Swar Adam
    commented 2022-11-24 10:08:31 -0800
    I need some help for
  • Kerry Harwin
    published this page in News 2022-10-13 16:44:34 -0700

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