News - Drivers Union

Uber drivers are employees, reports Business Insider

The following was reported today by Business Insider:  The California labor commission has ruled Uber drivers are employees, Reuters reports.  It's potentially a huge blow to Uber's business model, at least in California.The decision was made after a San Francisco driver, Barbara Ann Berwick, filed a claim against the company. The commission sided with her largely because it deemed Uber was "involved in every aspect of the operation." Uber is appealing the ruling. Read more

Success in Olympia!

  On May 11th, 2015, Governor Inslee signed into law Senate Bill 5550.  Through your collective action, your right to be heard by your city and county government is protected!  This bill additionally makes L&I optional and provides you with real insurance options.  Congratulations!  When we fight, we win!

App-based drivers demand fairness and respect

Limousine and app-based drivers packed the Teamsters Union hall on Sunday to demand fairness and a level playing field in Seattle’s personal transportation industry. The event comes just under a year after the founding of the App-Based Drivers’ Association last May. Read more

TNC Drivers Set to Expand App-Based Drivers' Association

Town cars and app-based drivers from Uber, UberX, Uber Black, Uber XL, Lyft and Sidecar will gather at the Teamsters building in Tukwila this Sunday, May 3 at 4 P.M. in an effort to expand the App-Based Drivers’ Association designed to protect drivers’ rights, promote public safety, and raise standards across Seattle’s personal transportation industry. TNC drivers will be joined by community and political leaders at the event, including members of the Washington State Legislature, King County Council, and Seattle City Council as well as representatives from the Ethiopian and Sudanese community centers. Read more

Uber Drivers, Teamsters Protest on National Day of Action for Higher Wages

On April 15th, ABDA members, along with union workers, organizers, and community members, marched for a fair living wage.  The first stop along the march, which began at Occidental Park, was the Uber headquarters.   Read more

Drivers Association Founding Meeting

Join drivers from Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar for a meeting to form a new App-Based Drivers Association so that we can have a voice and win justice, dignity, and respect at work! Read more

Uber Drivers Take their Concerns to Olympia

Dozens of Uber drivers and drivers from other transportation network companies (TNCs) traveled to Olympia today to express their concerns about proposed policies that would limit their voice at work. Drivers also met with legislators to discuss issues such as public safety, driver safety, insurance regulations, working conditions, and low pay. “Driving for Uber has become a path to poverty,” said Tracey Thompson, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 117.  “You know something is wrong when you have a company that is valued at $40 billion and its drivers can’t afford to pay the rent or put food on the table for their families.”   Read more

Welcome Adam Hoyt, New Business Rep!

Let's welcome Adam Hoyt, a new Teamsters Local 117 Business Representative for the parking industry! Adam brings a wealth of experience to his position at your Local Union. He became a Teamster in 2007 when he went to work at Alan Ritchey. While at Alan Ritchey, Adam was one of the key leaders who helped organize his co-workers and bring the Union to his workplace. He served on the Union organizing committee, made house calls, stood up to his employer, and testified multiple times before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Read more

Like us on Facebook!

The App-Based Drivers Association (ABDA) now has a Facebook page!  Click here to like us and stay up-to-date on ABDA news.   

Executive Action Immigration Workshop- Jan. 24

If you or a family member is currently seeking to normalize your immigration status, President Obama's Immigration Accountability Executive Action could impact you! Click here for the flyer in English and Spanish.   Read more

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